The church lays hands on Ian Gallagher and prays to ordain him as Associate Pastor. Pastor Ricky Andrade preaches on the Christmas story, as told in the book of Matthew.
Weekly sermons from The Shelter Church in San Diego, California. Catch up on what you may have missed Sunday or listen to the message again throughout your week.
Luke 12 - December 14, 2014
Ian Gallagher gives a short "candidate statement" in advance of his ordination as Associate Pastor. Pastor Ricky Andrade preaches on worry and life's true purpose in the Christmas season.
Romans 1:24-32 - December 7, 2014
Pastor Ricky Andrade preaches on homosexuality as part of his series in Romans. Paul M. leads the congregation in communion.
Romans 1:17-23 - November 30, 2014
Pastor Ricky Andrade continues the series on Romans in the first chapter.
Sabet and Suzy Kuj - November 23, 2014
Missionaries in South Sudan, Sabet and Suzy, share their testimonies and tell what ministry is like in Africa.
Romans 1:1-16 - November 16, 2014
Pastor Ricky Andrade begins a new series in the book of Romans. He gives an introduction and preaches on the first half of Chapter 1.
Samer Mohammed - November 9, 2014
Former Muslim Imam, Samer Mohammed, visits the church and shares his testimony of conversion. He answers questions at the end.
1 John 5 - November 2, 2014
Pastor Ricky Andrade finishes the series on the book of 1 John. Ian leads the congregation in communion.
At War With God - October 26, 2014
Bob preaches on man's rebelliousness and what God requires of us.
1 Corinthians 7 - October 19, 2014
Pastor Ricky Andrade preaches on Paul's exhortation both to singles and to married couples.
2 Chronicles 20 - October 12, 2014
God gave Jehoshaphat victory over Moab and Ammon without any fighting, but the Israelites had to suit up for battle first. Pastor Ricky Andrade preaches on seeking God both in bad times and good.
1 John 4 - October 5, 2014
Pastor Ricky Andrade preaches that those who have received love from God consequently love the people around them. Bob leads the congregation in communion.
1 John 3 - September 28, 2014
Pastor Ricky Andrade returns to the series on 1 John, in chapter 3, where the main theme is love.
Galatians 5:16-6:9 - September 21, 2014
Are you sowing to the Spirit or sowing to the flesh? Ian preaches on keeping in step with the Spirit and doing God's work God's way.
1 Kings 17 - September 14, 2014
Justine shares her testimony. Pastor Ricky Andrade preaches on Elijah and the widow from Zarephath.
1 John 2:1-17 - August 31, 2014
Pastor Ricky Andrade continues the series on First John. He preaches about the sufficiency and efficiency of Christ's blood, about not loving the world, and about Islam and evangelizing Muslims.
Fifth Anniversary - August 17, 2014
The church celebrates its fifth anniversary. Pastor Ricky Andrade preaches on Acts 2:42-47, which is also the church's mission statement.
1 John 1:1-4 - August 10, 2014
Stephanie shares her testimony. Pastor Ricky Andrade begins a new series on the first epistle of John.
Jude 1:8-25 - August 3, 2014
Pastor Ricky Andrade completes his series on the book of Jude. Ian leads the congregation in communion.
Jude 1:5-8 - July 27, 2014
Pastor Ricky Andrade preaches a message titled, "Know Your Gospel and Know Your Enemy" as he continues the exposition of the book of Jude.
Truth and Axioms - July 20, 2014
Bob preaches on truth and the different ways of knowing it according to various worldviews. He talks about how Jesus literally is truth.
Christ In You - July 13, 2014
Paul M. preaches on how God designed man in his own image and how we are reconciled to God through the work of Jesus Christ and through him dwelling within us.
New Deacon and Jude 1:1-4 - July 6, 2014
The congregation lays hands on Jesse H. and prays to ordain him as a deacon of the church. Pastor Ricky Andrade begins a new series on the book of Jude; the first four verses deal with false teachers and the true gospel. Ian leads the congregation in communion.
Missions and La Paz Trip - June 29, 2014
This year's short-term missionaries return from La Paz, Mexico, and a few of them recount their experiences serving during the week-long trip. Pastor Ricky Andrade exhorts the congregation with Scripture and the needs of people throughout the world.
Giving - June 22, 2014
Matt B. preaches on giving to God. He discusses tithing and the principle of sowing and reaping.
Father's Day - June 15, 2014
Jeremiah shares his family's recent changes in raising his niece and nephews. Ian preaches on how we are children of God the Father.
New Elder - June 8, 2014
The congregation lays hands on Bob and prays to ordain him as an elder of the church. Pastor Ricky Andrade preaches on the book of Titus, which contains the qualifications for an elder.
Bema Seat Judgement - June 1, 2014
Pastor Ricky Andrade preaches on the Bema Seat Judgement and a related verse in John 21. He also speaks on modern-day signs and wonders, contrasted with the works performed by the apostles in the book of Acts.
Aaron L. leads the congregation in communion and he speaks on hope.
God's Sovereignty and Prayer - May 25, 2014
If God already knows everything, then why should I even pray to him? Bob preaches on the purposes of prayer and how we should pray in light of God's sovereignty.
John 21:15-25 - May 18, 2014
Pastor Ricky Andrade preaches about Jesus' affirmation of Peter as the shepherd of his church.
John 21:1-14 - May 11, 2014
Can you imagine sitting around the fire, eating a nice free breakfast cooked by God? Pastor Ricky Andrade preaches about the seaside meal Jesus' disciples ate with him in Galilee after the resurrection. A poem is read in commemoration of Mother's Day.
No Other Sign Will Be Given - May 4, 2014
Has God given us all we need to believe and trust in him? Ian preaches on Matthew 12:38-42, where Pharisees asked Jesus to give them a miraculous sign. He shows how people often do the same today.
Bob leads the congregation in communion and speaks on excusing our own sins.
John 20:19-31 - April 27, 2014
Pastor Ricky Andrade preaches on Jesus' appearance to his disciples after the resurrection. He discusses the doubts of Thomas, evidence for Jesus' resurrection, and pornography use in the modern church.
Why You Need Jesus - April 20, 2014
On Resurrection Sunday, Pastor Ricky Andrade preaches a gospel message.
The Heart - April 13, 2014
Paul M. preaches about the human heart we see mentioned in scripture and what that really means.
John 20:10-18 - April 6, 2014
Mary looked for Jesus and she found him. Pastor Ricky Andrade preaches on Jesus' appearance to Mary Magdalene at the empty tomb.
Ian leads the congregation in communion.
Hall of Faith - March 16, 2014
Pastor Ricky Andrade concludes a series about Jacob, begun at a mountain retreat earlier in the week. He preaches on the Hall of Faith in Hebrews 11.
John 19:38-42 - March 9, 2014
The purpose of wealth is to take care of the body of Christ. Pastor Ricky Andrade preaches on the burial of Jesus and on the two men who tended to his body.
John 19:35-37 - March 2, 2014
Why were Jesus' bones not broken? To fulfill another prophesy about the Messiah. Pastor Ricky Andrade preaches about the meaning of this prophesy and section of scripture.
Bob leads the congregation in communion. He also points out the similarity between Jacob receiving his father's blessing and believers receiving God's blessing.
Abortion - February 23, 2014
Julie Niven, Executive Director of College Area Pregnancy Services, talks about the clinic's ministry and shares some of her own testimony. Pastor Ricky Andrade speaks on the effects of abortion in the U.S. and on God's view of unborn children and of life itself.
Sermonettes - February 16, 2014
Sermonettes are an opportunity for members of the congregation to share a message with the body and to gain experience preaching.
Alesha shares her testimony. Ian preaches about Elijah's encounter with God on Mount Horeb (1 Kings 18-19).
John 19:31-42 - February 9, 2014
The church was born out of Christ's body on the cross. Pastor Ricky Andrade preaches on the piercing of Jesus' side following his death. He draws a parallel between that piercing and marriage and salvation.
John 19:28-30 - February 2, 2014
What did Jesus mean when he said, "It is finished" on the cross? Pastor Ricky Andrade preaches on the death of Jesus and on prophesies fulfilled.
Sermonettes - January 26, 2014
Sermonettes are an opportunity for members of the congregation to share a message with the body and to gain experience preaching.
Rob shares his testimony and a recent trip home to South Africa. Pastor Ricky Andrade preaches on 2 Corinthians 6:1-13 about the purpose of hardships we experience in this world.
Grace - January 19, 2014
Grace is often defined as God's unmerited favor. Pastor Ricky Andrade preaches on how grace is an opportunist.
2 Chronicles 29 - January 12, 2014
What defilement needs to be purified from the temple of your heart? Pastor Ricky Andrade preaches about Hezekiah, who cleansed the temple of idols and reinstated the worship of God in Jerusalem.
Regeneration and Conversion - January 5, 2014
Did you choose to be born? No? Then you did not choose to be reborn. Bob explains the difference between election, regeneration, and conversion. He preaches from Titus 3:3-7, Ephesians 2, and other verses throughout the New Testament.
Pastor Ricky Andrade leads the congregation in communion.
John 19:16-27 - December 29, 2013
Christ stands between the saved and the damned. Pastor Ricky Andrade preaches about the crucifixion of Jesus.