Pastor Ricky Andrade preaches a message titled, "Know Your Gospel and Know Your Enemy" as he continues the exposition of the book of Jude.
Weekly sermons from The Shelter Church in San Diego, California. Catch up on what you may have missed Sunday or listen to the message again throughout your week.
Truth and Axioms - July 20, 2014
Bob preaches on truth and the different ways of knowing it according to various worldviews. He talks about how Jesus literally is truth.
Christ In You - July 13, 2014
Paul M. preaches on how God designed man in his own image and how we are reconciled to God through the work of Jesus Christ and through him dwelling within us.
New Deacon and Jude 1:1-4 - July 6, 2014
The congregation lays hands on Jesse H. and prays to ordain him as a deacon of the church. Pastor Ricky Andrade begins a new series on the book of Jude; the first four verses deal with false teachers and the true gospel. Ian leads the congregation in communion.
Missions and La Paz Trip - June 29, 2014
This year's short-term missionaries return from La Paz, Mexico, and a few of them recount their experiences serving during the week-long trip. Pastor Ricky Andrade exhorts the congregation with Scripture and the needs of people throughout the world.